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Is Fear Blocking Your Success?

In 2020 when the pandemic hit and everyone was going on lockdown, I was mid-launch of a program and about to make one of the biggest investments in my business at the time.

I saw people I knew going to donation-based coaching to make sure others could afford it. I had people reaching out to me asking if it was a good time to invest in my program. They were scared and I get it.

So what did I do? I put the pedal to the metal, floored it, made that big investment, RAISED my RATES and shifted my business structure completely. 2020 became my first multiple 6 figure year thanks to those moves.

There's a lot of noise if you choose to tune into the outside world rather than trusting yourself and your intuition. Make sure to filter out anything that's limiting and tune in to a higher frequency and message.

Today on the Manifest Mad Money Podcast I'm sharing the story behind my first multiple 6 figure year and the energy and mindset it took to create this during a time when the world was full of nothing but fear.

We have a very similar situation going on right now with fears around the recession and I don't normally speak on these things but I felt it was important to help keep you in alignment with your big goals.

This is one I wouldn't miss.



P.S. The Pivot Masterclass was last week and the testimonials are insane. One person said after applying what I shared, she got 22 people in her program in 1 day . I'm going even deeper into these concepts inside my newest program Sexy Sells. I'm teaching you how to create content that has your ideal client running to your inbox credit card in hand ready to join you! Pre-sale price ends Wednesday so make sure to join now.

P.P.S. Last call for the Micro Mastermind. This is a 6 week intimate space with me where you will use the power of microdosing + personal support from me to create the best quarter in your business ever! Personalized support by me with weekly calls and daily coaching inside our voxer chat. This one is a no-brainer. Doors close Friday!


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