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Failing My Way to Success

While my business officially became a 7 figure brand this year, there were a lot of growing pains and lessons happening behind the scenes that I can now say I am EXTREMELY GRATEFUL FOR!

This year challenged me, it required me to learn new things, it made me leave my comfort zone and because of that, I know that I myself and the foundation of my business are much stronger because of it.

There were times I wanted to quit. There were sleepless nights thinking it was all going down the drain. There were tears shed with my coach on numerous occasions.

BUT, the only thing that actually matters is that I didn't give up, I stayed the course and eventually found my flow and I'm breaking it all down on an extremely vulnerable podcast episode today.

Tune in to the Manifest Mad Money Podcast to hear how I navigated these hard times, overcame my fears, and turned this year into one of the most beautiful experiences of my business yet!



P.S. One of the things I had to master was social media growth and marketing. Last year 95% of my income came from my podcast. This year I now make 75% of my income from social media. The Sexy Sells Program starts Thursday and it is everything I learned this year that led to this massive growth. Learn exactly what to post, how to post, why your social media isn't bringing you money now, and how to fix it. My client Emily has implemented these strategies and has seen a 201% increase in her engagement and growth along with signing 4 new 1:1 clients! Click here to join now.


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